Thank you for your support
Every donation, no matter how large or small, is very much appreciated by everyone at Girton as every gift will help improve students’ experience. To recognise this, and to inspire others to give regardless of gift amount, all donors are listed in the Development Newsletter (both print and online versions), unless anonymity has been requested.

In addition, for the duration of A Great Campaign, we have also established a number of giving circles and events to thank and honour our donors. All donors who have made a pledge or a gift to the College as part of A Great Campaign and before 1st July 2021 are eligible for membership to the appropriate giving circle.
A Great Campaign Giving Circles
Donors who have given £500 or more during A Great Campaign are invited to special events including the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party. They receive an enamelled pin badge (shown here) and their names will be recorded on a donor board.
Donors who have pledged £5,000 or more during A Great Campaign are invited to the annual Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner, as well as the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party. They receive an enamelled pin badge as shown here (once all of their gift has been received by the College) and their names will be recorded on a donor board.
Donors who have pledged £10,000 or more during A Great Campaign are invited to the annual Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner, as well as the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party. They receive a bronze lapel pin as shown here (once all of their gift has been received by the College) and their names will be recorded on a donor board.
Donors who have pledged £50,000 or more during A Great Campaign are invited to the annual Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner, the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party and occasional special events hosted by the Mistress. They receive (once all their gift has been received by the College) a silver and green lapel pin as shown here and their names will be recorded on a donor board.
Donors who have given more than £100,000 to the College are invited to the annual Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner, the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party and occasional special events hosted by the Mistress. They receive a silver lapel pin as shown here and their names will be recorded on a donor board.

Barbara Bodichon Foundation Fellows
Donors of £500,000 or over are eligible for election by College Council to a Barbara Bodichon Foundation Fellowship. They are invited to a number of special College events each year, as well as the annual Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner and the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party.
Our Barbara Bodichon Fellows also receive a gold lapel pin as shown here. Their names will be recorded on a donor board.

The 1869 Society (for those who have remembered Girton in their Will)
Remembering the College in your Will makes you eligible to become a member of the 1869 Society. Members are invited to events from time to time hosted by the Mistress and receive a purple lapel pin as shown here.

The Benefactors Garden Party
All those who have donated £500 or more to the College during A Great Campaign are invited to the biennial Benefactors’ Garden Party, a special celebratory sit-down buffet lunch in June, hosted by the Mistress in the College’s beautiful Gardens, where guests are entertained by music and research talks from our students.

The Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner
All those who have pledged a gift of £5,000 or more to the College during A Great Campaign are invited to the annual Commemoration of Benefactors and Foundation Dinner. This special event, held in October to celebrate the College’s foundation in 1869, combines a formal ceremony commemorating the extraordinary philanthropy that has allowed Girton to grow and thrive, beautiful music from the award winning Girton College Chapel Choir and a formal dinner in hall.