Families and Partners at Girton
Girton College is delighted to welcome postgraduates from all over the world who decide to make Cambridge their home for a year, or longer in the case of PhD students. A small number of postgraduate students bring their partners and children with them and the College hopes that they will also enjoy being part of our community.

We aim to help and support by:
Providing a Families Officer
- The postgraduate (“MCR”) committee usually includes a Families Officer, who represents the interests of families and may organise events aimed at parents and children among the postgraduate community, sometimes in conjunction with family events for Fellows and staff. The post is elected each year and if you are interested in becoming involved with family-based initiatives, please contact the MCR President at mcr-president@girton.cam.ac.uk.
Discounted rates
- Postgraduate students may purchase meals for their partners and accompanied school-age children using their payment account (UPay) at the subsidised student rate, rather than at the full rate.
- Partners with a Partner Card may eat, along with dependent children, without the nominating student present, at the Cafeteria and Social Hub for the subsidized rate using their Partner Card.
- Students whose partners have a Partner Card (see details below) may book their partner into one Formal Hall per term at student rates via their own UPay (apart from ‘no guest’ Formals, such as Matriculation Dinner). After booking they must notify catering@girton.cam.ac.uk giving their Partner Card details, otherwise they will be charged at the guest rate. Additional Formal Halls will be charged at the guest rate.
Future plans
- As part of its estate planning, the College hopes to increase the amount of family and couples’ accommodation available to students.
University Childcare Office
Of interest to those with families is the University Childcare Office. It's a great idea to get connected with them soon after you arrive. They have groups and events as well as some bursaries available to those with children and may be able to help with advice about schools in Cambridge.
The Partner Card
Postgraduate students (Girton only) whose partners live with them in Cambridge may apply to College for a Partner Card.
This card authorises unaccompanied access for the partner and children to the Cafeteria and Social Hub paying student rates, and to certain other College facilities.
It is free to apply. All applications are reviewed by the Postgraduate Tutors’ Committee.
To apply for a Partner Card for a partner, you, as the nominating student should complete and submit the application. Please make sure you read the terms and conditions in the section below to see if you are eligible.
If you require any assistance with your application, please contact the Postgraduate Office: postgraduate.office@girton.cam.ac.uk
Your partner will receive (in summary):
- Unaccompanied access to certain College facilities for the partner and children (under 18 years old). Children must be supervised at all times by an adult.
- Access to the internal student rates for the Cafeteria and Social Hub, for the listed partner and children on application. Any guests will be charged the external rate. Children under 18 years are not allowed to enter the lower level College bar ('Deep Schlub').
- Partner can dine at student rates for a Formal Hall dinner, once per term, signed into the Formal by the nominating student.
- Access and use of the swimming pool and gym facilities: Pool and gym rules must be followed at all times. Induction course must be completed prior to use of the weights gym. All children using the pool must be accompanied by 2 adults (16 years and older).
See terms and conditions for further details.
- The postgraduate member matriculated at College is the “nominating student.”
- The “Partner Card” authorises unaccompanied access for the partner and their dependent children under 18 years to the Cafeteria and Social Hub paying student rates, as well as benefits outlined below.
- The Partner Card is a privilege not a right and each application for a Partner Card will be subject to the recommendation of the Postgraduate Tutors’ Committee.
- The Partner Card is for the live-in partner of the nominating student. They must reside in Cambridge with the student for the duration of their course. It does not apply to a partner living elsewhere or one who visits the nominating student from time to time.
- The application for a Partner Card must be made and signed by the nominating student and be approved by their tutor.
- Background checks on the partner may be carried out and they will be required to adhere to College expectations/regulations at all times (e.g. adherence to drugs and alcohol policies).
- The card will be issued for the partner named on the application form and is non-transferable, i.e. cannot be used by anyone other than the named individual.
- The nominating student will be responsible for ensuring their partner complies with all College policies. Failure to do so will result in the card being cancelled and, in serious cases, disciplinary action.
- The holder of a Partner Card will not be entitled to allow other people onto College premises or use the College facilities.
- The nominating student must notify College immediately if the relationship ends or the partner is no longer a resident of Cambridge.
- Meals purchased using the Partner Card are only for the consumption of the partner and their school-age children. Any other meals purchased will be charged at the full rate.
- The use of the swimming pool and gym is subject to the regulations governing these facilities. In particular: swimming is not allowed unless two adults are present; and, the induction course must be completed prior to use of the weights gym.
- Having a Partner Card does not permit access to student residential areas; from time to time College may prohibit access to other areas.
- Children (under 18 years old) must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times while on the premises. They are not allowed in the lower level of the College bar ( “Deep Schlub”).
- The card is renewable annually on re-application at the beginning of September.
- On approval, the partner will be asked to submit a digital passport-sized photograph to the Postgraduate Office via email. This will only be used as identification at the Porters' Lodge.