A Celebration of your 2020 Degree
Welcome from the Mistress
Celebration Ceremony
The deadline has now passed to book this event.
Please note that while this is the main College-based celebration for Girton’s 2020 General Admission cohort, the University does allow degrees to be confirmed in person at any Congregation for which that degree is eligible. Dates for the forthcoming academic year are available here.
Timetable of events

Accommodation Packages
The deadline has passed to book accommodation packages, however if you would like to enquire if it’s still possible to book please email If we cannot accommodate your request, we will respond with alternative suggestions.
- Prices are per room and include Vat.
- All rooms are provided with tea, coffee making facilities, towels and toiletries.
- For standard options in College, there will be one designated WC/shower per household
If you have any queries regarding the Accommodation Packages, please contact the Conference & Events Office on 01223 338949 or
Academic Dress
Students who graduated in absence and are having their degrees celebrated should wear the dress of their highest Cambridge degree e.g. if you received your BA Honours degree in absence and this is your highest Cambridge degree, you will be required to wear the BA gown and BA hood - you cannot wear your undergraduate gown.
Arrangements have been made with Ede & Ravenscroft to deliver academic dress to the College for those celebrands who wish to use this service.
If you do wish to do this you must order your academic dress directly with Ede & Ravenscroft via their online booking form or telephone 01223 861854 as soon as possible, making sure that you adhere to Ede & Ravenscroft deadlines. Please note that Ede & Ravenscroft suggest booking academic dress 21 days before the ceremony date, as they cannot guarantee what date their website will close after this.
For any purchase enquiries please telephone: 01223 350048 (shop) or 01223 861854
Gowns, hoods etc. that have been ordered will be handed out on the morning of Saturday 11 September ahead of the rehearsal. Exact times will be confirmed nearer the date.
Under these arrangements, celebrands must either return their academical dress after the ceremony to a designated area at College, where it will be collected by Ede & Ravenscroft, or academical dress (other than gowns) can be returned at the Emmanuel United Reformed Church on Trumpington Street. Gowns must be returned to Downing Place United Reformed Church (next to John Lewis).
You may also hire or buy academical dress from the following supplier, but please note that if you are not using the Ede & Ravenscroft service, you are responsible for collecting and returning your academic dress:
Ryder & Amies
22 King’s Parade,Cambridge CB2 1SP
Please make sure that you adhere to any suppliers deadlines for ordering academic dress to prevent delay in receiving it.
What to wear with academic dress
There are strict rules regarding what graduands and celebrands should wear with their academic dress. Please make sure you read the ‘Dress Instructions’ document below so that you know what kind of suit/clothing and shoes are acceptable.
Please note for this year graduands and celebrands must wear a face covering while at the Senate House. This must be plain (not patterned), and appropriate for a formal occasion.
If you have any queries about either the academic dress that you need to order or what you are going to wear with your academic dress, please email as we can advise you.

The University’s current operational information for degree ceremonies
To ensure a Covid-secure environment for all students and staff participating in Degree Ceremonies, unfortunately we are unable to accommodate guests at the ceremony. Guests will have no access to the Senate-House, or to Senate-House Yard.
Social distancing will be observed in Senate-House Yard and in the Senate-House itself. On arrival, you will be queuing, individually distanced, under marquees in Senate-House Yard before entering the Senate-House in single file.
During the ceremony, you will proceed through the Senate-House and you will stand to have your degree celebrated or conferred. The College Praelector will give the customary speech to present you and your degree will be celebrated or conferred individually by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (normally your Head of House). Once you have completed your ceremony you may either engage with the Tempest photography services or leave the Yard.
Students and staff are currently required to wear face coverings inside University and College buildings. Everyone participating in the ceremony will be expected to wear face coverings inside the Senate-House, unless an exemption applies. The only exceptions to this will be staff required to speak during the ceremony – the Senior Proctor (giving the welcome); Esquire Bedell (reading names); Praelector (presenting graduands and celebrands), and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (conferring or celebrating degrees). You will be permitted to remove your mask when your degree is celebrated or conferred, if you wish to do so.
To allow your family and friends to view the ceremony in the Senate-House, the University will provide a live-stream of the event. This may be viewed either as part of the College event or at home.
Please note that by attending the ceremony in person, you are giving your consent to being included in the live-stream. It will not be possible to take part in the ceremony and not be part of the recording.
Tempest, the University’s official photographers, will offer studio photography and certificate framing services on the day, as well as photographing you inside the Senate-House as your degree is celebrated or conferred. It will not be possible for graduands or celebrands to gather in front of Senate-House to take photographs on the day.
Please note if you are having your degree celebrated you will not receive a degree certificate at the ceremony as you should have already received this, but you will be given a copy of the degree list.
Joining the ‘family’ of Girton alumni
Once a Girtonian, always a Girtonian
Wherever life takes you after leaving the College we hope that you will stay in touch and let us know your news; whether about your career, hobbies, interests, family or any other life events. You are always welcome to visit the College, either as part of our extensive events programme, or if you just happen to be in the area. Family and friends are welcome too! Please find below further information about the College’s activities and the services available to you as an alumnus/alumna which we hope will be useful, if you have any queries or suggestions please do let us know.
How to make a Bas-Bleu Cocktail/Mocktail (Blue Stocking)
The Bas-Bleu cocktail, invented by Secretary to Council, Dr Caroline Shenton, might well be thought of a ‘Girton in a Glass’. Here Dr. Shenton shows you how to make it and explains why it is so special. There is a mocktail version too!
Sit back, sip your cocktail/mocktail and enjoy the spirit of Girton while watching the finale of our 2020 online degree ceremony with a heartwarming Fellows’ ovation as the choir sing the Triumphal Ode, written in 1948 by former Mistress Muriel Bradbrook to mark the first admission of Girton students to their hard-won degrees