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Telethon 2021 - Thank You

Telethon Student Callers with the Mistress and Development Director

Over the last few weeks, 15 of our current students called Girtonians to chat about their time at Cambridge, and to update them on College life and A Great Campaign. Thanks to the generosity of our community we have raised our target of £250,000! Thank you very much for your support and for taking the time to talk to our students. 

'I’ve really loved doing the telethon this term, even if I am just holed up in my room at home. It’s been an amazing way to get a sense of the Girton community and what the alumni experiences have been. From stories of sneaking in past curfew, skating on the pond and generally being terrible cyclists, I feel as though I know Girton a lot better now!' – Eleanor, First Year (History) Undergraduate

‘Personally, I’ve found being a caller for Girton’s telethon to be exciting and rewarding! Sharing in the stories and memories of our Alumni has given me a unique insight into the history of the college, through the eyes of the individuals who helped to shape it! The experience has made me even prouder to be a member of our community.’ – Niamh, Second Year (Veterinary Science) Undergraduate

'Telethon has been so fun for me because I’ve had the chance to connect with people I never would have thought I would. From Dames to Poet Laureates, the experience has been so interesting and these people are always willing to help me out with advice for my future too.' – Josie, First Year (Modern and Medieval Languages) Undergraduate