About GirtonTalks
We aim to:
- Examine issues of global significance.
- Analyse the tropes that have shaped our world.
- Allow past narratives to inform the present.
- Respond to new ideas and discoveries.
How? Our objectives:
- Hosting speakers, film showings, exhibitions and other activities on a range of topics and issues.
- Organising competitions, events and activities with a specific focus: this year our focus is “A Just World?”
- Encouraging existing College activities and societies to become part of GirtonTalks, where appropriate linking their own activities to this year’s focus.
- Showcasing academic research by Girton’s students and Fellows.
Why were we formed?
GirtonTalks was first established (as 'Girton Conversations') in 2020 as a pioneering initiative to tackle major issues of wide relevance in today’s world – local, national and global. It encourages debate and discussion across academic disciplines, and across different parts of the College community – students, staff and Fellows. GirtonTalks hosts external events including guest speakers, film showings, exhibitions and panel discussions.
It provides opportunities for the college to connect with alumni and learn about their interests and work, and to be a focus for our engagement with the local community.
Every two years GirtonTalks adopts a special focus or theme, to which existing College events and activities are linked and around which new initiatives planned.