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Chapel Service

“Creator of Heaven and Earth”: Creed, Creation and Contemporary Life

 a photograph of an ancient Georgian fresco depicting the First  Council of Nicaea, 325 AD. Used with permission

Chapel service


Rev’d Dr Tim Boniface, College Chaplain


  • Introit - Oculi Omnium (Marianne Lyall) 
  • Responses - The Girton Responses (Gareth Wilson) 
  • Canticles - Evening Service in C (Charles Villiers Stanford) 
  • Anthem - I Will Wash My Hands in Innocence (David Hurd)

This term we are supporting A Rocha UK, a Christian charity working to protect and restore the natural world and committed to equipping Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment.

The full list of services this term can be found on our Chapel Term Card.