Congratulations to Girton’s Admissions Tutor and Jean Sybil Dannatt Official Fellow, Dr Stuart Davis, and Brenda Hale Official Fellow, Dr Stelios Tofaris, who have been awarded the University’s Pilkington Prize for 2018, in recognition of their teaching excellence in Modern Languages and Law.
They both join a distinguished coterie of 8 College Fellows who have previously won this coveted award including, Jochen Runde for Management Education (2017 winner), Sandra Fulton for Biochemistry (2016 winner), Nik Cunniffe for Plant Sciences (2015 winner), Andrew Jefferies for VetMed (2011 winner), Hugh Shercliff for Engineering (2011 winner), Martin Ennis for Music (2009 winner), Julia Riley for Physics (2009 winner) and Josh Slater for VetMed (2003 winner).
The Pilkington Prize awards were inaugurated in 1994 and endowed by Sir Alastair Pilkington to acknowledge excellence in teaching, this year marks the 25th anniversary. The prizes are awarded to individuals who make a substantial contribution to the teaching programme of a Department, Faculty or the University as a whole. There are twelve prizes awarded each year, with nominations made by each School. The prizes are awarded annually by the Vice-Chancellor.
For more information, please visit:
- List of 2018 Prize Winners – Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Pilkington Prize – Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Study at Girton College