What do we mean by “reserving”?
If an item that you need is on loan to someone else, you can reserve it, so that when the item is returned to the Library, we will put it to one side for you and you will receive an email inviting you to collect it. If you need the item urgently, or before the date it is due to be brought back, please tell us so that we can ask the current borrower to return it as soon as possible.
Your PIN
At Girton, you reserve items via the Library catalogue, Heritage. You will need to log-in to the catalogue (which you normally don’t need to do) and you’ll be asked for a Library PIN. If you do not know your PIN please ask a member of library staff or email us at library@girton.cam.ac.uk.
Reserving items
1. To reserve an item, you first need to find the item on the Heritage, the Library catalogue. If you need help searching, please ask a member of staff or refer to our eGuide 'Searching for books'.
2. Once you’ve found the item you want, click on it to open up the record. In order to reserve something, the ‘status’ of the item needs to be listed as “On Loan” (otherwise you could just find it on the shelf - see the red box on the screenshot below). The due date - when the item is due to be returned - will also be displayed.

3. Then, log into your Heritage account via the right-hand side bar (shown below in the red box), using your barcode (5 digit code beginning with ‘V’ on the back of your university card) and PIN. Then click on the Reserve button on the top left-hand side of the record (also highlighted in red the screenshot below).
4. Once you have clicked on the 'Reserve' button, a confirmation note will appear.
Alternatively, you are welcome complete a paper book reservation form, which are available on the Issue Desk, as you enter the Library.
Urgent reservations
If you need an item sooner than the due date, please complete a book reservation form and indicate that you need the item urgently. Library staff will then recall it for you – the person who has the item will be asked to bring it back before the stamped return date.
If an item is not on loan but not on the shelves
If you cannot find the item on the shelves or on a desk in the Library, please speak to a member of Library staff. We will try and locate the item for you.
Check which items you have reserved or already have on loan
Login using the box on the right-hand side of the search. You will be able to see which books you have on loan, renew books, see a list of any reservations and cancel reservations.
Help within college
Library staff are always happy to provide support and assistance. You can book an appointment with us or ask us a question via library@girton.cam.ac.uk.